
Stuff I worked on that's now on the internet.
Most of my work is closed source.

Enterprise Design System

Thomson Reuters

Enterprise Design System

Led and support 12-30 contributors to build and maintain a design system with web components for use in Angular 1-16 and React 16-18 projects. Components are now used in AI chatbots, developer portal and UI of 20+ products

Adopted by

Thomson Reuters Developer Portal

Practical Law


Westlaw Edge

Radius 2.0 design system accelerator

Radius 2.0 design system accelerator

Worked on a rotating team of 4 to develop a command line tool with a boilerplate Figma UI Kit to accelerate the bootstrapping of design systems based on selection of JS framework, CSS strategy, and CI tool

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Idea to MVP: Insurance Payer Health Portal

Smile CDR

Idea to MVP: Insurance Payer Health Portal

Working as Solutions & UX Developer, I ran 5-day design sprints to lead team and stakeholders from ideation to MVP within 3 months. I also delivered a white label style guide that ended up being used on 2 products.



Insurance Payer Member Portal

Modernizing heart procedure wait time system

Smile CDR

Modernizing heart procedure wait time system

Revamping a system that hospital administrators use to calculate heart disease and stroke procedure priority in Ontario. Heroic feats involve retrofitting a typeahead to also become a dropdown selector, and implementing 250 combinations of live validations on form fields in Angular 9

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User account settings and portfolio allocation features


User account settings and portfolio allocation features

Internal user account settings and portfolio allocation features for a product connecting asset managers and financial advisors. Designs by Niclas Erst at Fintory

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V/Art: A virtual art gallery

Trinity Square Video

V/Art: A virtual art gallery

Research and development of a virtual reality exhibition as mobile app presented on a free mobile VR app platform for iOS and Android.


"Venturing into the Virtual World", Globe and Mail, 2017.